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8:00 PM TO 2:00 AM


Join American Hauntings at one of Indiana’s spookiest sites — the Asher-Walton House in Atlanta! A place of local legend, it’s quickly gaining a reputation across the Midwest as an active haunt with tales of a woman in white, disembodied voices, eerie music, and more! If you’d like to investigate a place that hasn’t been oversaturated by television shows and hordes of people — and you’re brave enough — this is the place for you!


A ghostly woman in white.
The laughter of children.
Running footsteps.
A piano that plays by itself.
Discover the history and mystery of this Indiana house.

Asher Goodrich Walton was born in Pennsylvania on January 1, 1836. His grandfather was an emigrate from England who had fought in the Revolutionary War and his father, Jonathan, had enlisted with the American forces during the Mexican War in 1836. He died after being wounded in battle, leaving his young son to care for his mother, Sarah. They had moved to Atlanta, Indiana, when Asher was only six and he began making a name for himself in the city after coming of age. He married Julia Wolf, whose father, John, was one of the founders of Atlanta. They remained married until her death in 1916 and had three children — Cora, Rose, and Ed.

Asher was well-liked in the community and successful in business. In 1868, he built the mansion as a gift for his wife. With it’s 16 rooms, filled with antiquities, fine décor, and imported furnishings, it became a showplace for the city and was the scene of scores of social events throughout the years.

In 1916, Julia passed away at the age of 80, leaving Asher to go on alone for the next eight years. Death came from him at 3:00 AM on the morning of April 29, 1924, leaving behind his two daughters and a number of grandchildren.

But did he really leave it all behind?

and the hauntings…

After the deaths of Asher and Julia, rumors swirled that the magnificent house was haunted. Reports of voices began to circulated and music notes were heard in the house, coming from a piano that hadn’t been played since Julia’s death years before.

Julia herself is believed by many to be the woman in white who has been seen in and around the building. She has been reported not only peering out of the windows of the mansion, but walking the hallways, wandering across the lawn, and even walking along the nearby streets at night. Julia was a beloved figure in the community, a devoted wife, and mother of several children, including one — Ed — who died at a young age. Could these things have kept her anchored to the house over the years?

If you’re willing to brave the locked doors and dark corridors of this house, we invite you to discover the strange happenings that have been reported by others at the Asher Walton House — from apparitions, cold spots, moving objects, mysterious voices, footsteps, children’s laughter, and more!