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8:00 PM TO 2:00 AM

another date coming soon!

One of Indiana's most haunted houses, Whispers, was built in 1899 by Dr. John Gibbons and his wife, Jessie. Dr. Gibbons used the house as his office, working on operating on the first floor. Known for being generous to the community, they often adopted and cared for orphaned and troubled children. According to legend, one of them, a 10 year-old named Rachel, started a fire in the front parlor. She was badly burned and died two days later -- but has never left this house. She reportedly still haunts it today. There have been other deaths, as well, for this house is familiar with tragedy. An infant named Elizabeth died here of unknown causes and Jessie Gibbons died in the same room from pneumonia. Subsequent occupants have also died in the house, including a death in an upstairs bathroom and a young boy who fell down the front stairs. This is a house that has known grief -- and it lingers here, even today.

Many strange happenings have occurred here over the years and guests are frequently touched, see apparitions and often hear the sounds of voices, crying and even the labored gasps of Jessie Gibbons as she chokes out her final breaths.

Now, join American Hauntings for a chilling night at one of Indiana's most haunted locations -- Whispers Estate in Mitchell. Spend the night looking for the ghosts of this historic -- and very haunted -- mansion with a limited number of ghost hunters during a private ghost hunt at the house. Find out if the place is really as haunted as so many people claim and perhaps come face to face with one of the former occupants of the mansion!

The evening will include a historic tour of the mansion, followed by a ghost hunt at a place that has been called one of the most haunted in the state. The Whispers Estate haunting experience begins at 8:00 p.m. and continues until 2:00 AM -- or until the last guests go screaming from the house!